Boarding for Breast Cancer, Shred the Love  
This weekend March 20-22 at Main Lodge, take part in the Boarding For Breast Cancer's Shred the Love Event. Start the morning off with a Yoga Heals session, followed by B4BC's annual Lap-a-Thon, where skiers and snowboarders compete to complete the most laps on Chair 1 in a two hour period. You can win awesome prizes like snowboards, outerwear, goggles and more.

Join the B4BC event and raise funds as an individual, or get some friends together and create a team! In the afternoon, join the Survivor Tribute Ride, where you can to do a lap with the group in honor of a loved one who has battled cancer.

For more information on this inspiring and spirited event go to #mammothmountain #mammoth395 #b4bc #shredthelove Image credit: Shannon Quirk &

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