Mammoth Backcountry 
Backcountry camping is defined as: Camping without making use of tent sites previously designated by the landowner. Permitted, with many restrictions. Mammoth backcountry camping has been a popular vacation idea for years and years, attracting families and friends alike. Backcountry camping is truly a way to get back to your roots, and enjoy spending the night under the stars by the campfire, taking in the beauty of the outdoors in its purest form.
Are you the kind of person that likes to “rough it” and get an outdoor experience unmatched by any others? Well then backcountry camping is for you. The designated camp grounds will have a water source nearby that you can get your water from, but remember… boil to purify before drinking!

Not necessarily the camping type? How about backcountry skiing! Backcountry skiing is defined as: Backcountry skiing, is skiing in the backcountry on ungroomed and unmarked slopes, including skiing in unmarked or unpatrolled areas either inside or outside of a ski resorts 's boundaries. Unlike groomed cross-country and alpine skiing, the land and the snow pack are not monitored, patrolled, or maintained.
Backcountry skiing can be a very exciting experience for the right person. You have a chance to be the first person to ski on fresh powder in an area where no one else is around. You can experience pure silence, while enjoying the gorgeous surroundings of the uncharted territory you are exploring. There are tours that you can take as a beginner interested in getting started, or a seasoned veteran trying to spread the word to your friends and family!
Of course, backcountry skiing can be very dangerous, so as with all sports, take all safety precautions, and always tell someone where you are going.

After your backcountry experience, come and experience a comfortable vacation home with all the conveniences and comfort of home. Visit or give us a call (818)883-2488

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