Truth or BS? Confused Guest ? 
Truth or BS: The Confused Guest

New series "Truth or BS" send your votes in and at the end of the week we will share how you voted and reveal the actual answer on the Blog. Be prepared to LOL and be amazed!!!

Jamie: "Thank you for calling Mammoth Rental By Owner. How can I help you?"

Guest: " Can I speak with Otis, please?"

Jamie: " I am sorry but Otis is away for the day. Can I assist you?"

Guest: "Yes, Otis is holding dates for me for a property. I want to go ahead and take it."

Jamie: "Terrific. May I get those dates and the listing number please? We can then proceed with getting the reservation booked for you."

Guest: " I don't remember the listing number or the dates. Otis has my information. I want to speak with him."

Jamie: "Unfortunately Otis is away for the day. If you would like to speak with him tomorrow, he will be back in the office at 9 am."

Guest: "But I want to take it today. Can't you just put me down for it?"

Jamie: "Sir, I cannot do that without knowing the dates and the listing number. Once I have that information and your credit card information we can proceed with booking."

Guest: " You need my credit card information?"

Jamie: " Yes, Sir. In order to process the reservation I will need a credit card to charge the property to."

Guest: " Okay, I will call tomorrow for Otis."

Jamie: " Sounds great! Have a great day!"

(guest calls back 2 minutes later)

Jamie: "Thank you for calling Mammoth Rental By Owner. How can I help you?"

Guest: "Yes, can I speak with the reservation department?"

Jamie: "I can help you with that. Are you interested in booking a property?"

Guest: "Yes, Otis is holding a property for me. I want to speak with him."

Jamie: "Sir, Otis is away for the day but will be back in the office tomorrow morning."

Guest: "Okay" (hangs up)

Truth or BS? Let us know what you think? Email your guess:

#mammoth395 #truthorbs #mammothfun

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