3 Sleepytime Tips for the Traveler 

It can be hard to catch the ZZZ's we need when we're out and about, sleeping in a bed that's not our own after wandering around in a place that we don't know. The whole experience is exhausting, even though travel is supposed to be rejuvenating! So, how can you beat the vacay insomnia? We'll dish out some tips:

1) Keep a cool room
It's impossible to sleep when you're heating up like a swollen helium balloon on a summer's day. If you're up in the mountains, where the air is crisp and cool, heat may not usually be a problem at night. But, during the day for a nap, when it's nice and sunny, cracking open a window might help. Ceiling fans also emit a light, cool breeze without the disruptive noise and power of an air conditioner.

2) Take in some fresh air
The more productive you feel you've been, the better you'll sleep. So, a couple of hours before you get into your bedtime routine, make sure you've had a breath of fresh air to clear your mind. Or, better yet, plan yourself a day hike that's sure to get you working hard, and then you'll be ready for that hot bath and the sleep you've been missing.

3) A cup of tea or a warm beverage
Tea, hot cocoa, warm milk, you name it. Just avoid coffee! A warm beverage before bed is sure to soothe your mind and body, warming up your muscles and making them feel tingly and tired. So go on, get your eight hours, and remember...a restful night's sleep is a brighter morning ahead.

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