Stoked for the symphony  

Mammoth is more than just a place for dirt-biking, adventuring, and trailblazing. It is a place for reflection, art, and culture. It is also home to the Eastern Sierra Symphony.

Beginning this Thursday, Aug 13th, and lasting three days, the Sierra Summer Festival will be in town. Virtuosos from across Southern California commence during this grand occasion to form a full-fledged orchestra

It began when Maestro Bogidar Avramov, conductor of the Beverly Hills Symphony, came on board as the festival's musical director. At the time, the festival was just a community event started in 1978 by a group of music devotees who thought Mammoth was a great summer stomping ground.

The Beverly Hills Symphony, under Avramov's direction, played at the Sierra Summer Festival for several summers. As the symphony gained publicity for the festival and the committee began to expand, more and more professional musicials from SoCal began to chip in. Now, they all serve as master teachers at the festival.

Experience the music for yourself, click here to learn more.

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