Wolly Did It...Who's Next? 
If Wolly can do it(okay...so he is in a big furry suit) so can you! Check out the latest to accept the ALS Ice Bucket challenge which has helped raise $79.7 million dollars in just 1 month to help combat Lou Gehrig ’s disease.

With beautiful 80 degree temps in Mammoth this weekend along with an abundance of lakes and waterfalls, it seems like perfect conditions for even more fundraising for ALS! It kind of sounds like we are fishing for a challenge here, doesn’t it? Keep having fun and raising funds this Labor Day weekend…

Look us up at www.mammothrentalbyowner.com or donate at www.alsa.org

#ALSwollymammoth #ALSIcebucketchallenge #needachallenge #mammoth395 #mammothfun

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