Bodie. Ghost Town or Not? 
Is Bodie a true Ghost town or not? For those of you who have been to Bodie it is easy to see how difficult life was here and how many adults and children have perished in this cold, harsh climate that lured the people much like a mythical siren call that lured sailors to their death. Bodie, located in the Eastern Sierra's tucked away in the mountain offering the promise of riches and a better life. Many did
gain wealth but most find a hard, cold and difficult life. The pioneers that endured this climate and life style were “tough”. As for me, tough is dealing with my cell phone when it acts up or not having fast internet service, LOL. I question if I would have survived a life that Bodie offered and I wonder how many poor souls perished trying to find a better life.
As you walk around Bodie there is an eerie feeling, an energy that leaves the visitors questioning what really happened here? There is more to Bodie than just a mining town that finally went bust. This was a thriving community with banks, schools, stores and so much more. How did it all dry up?
For a unique experience one that you will remember and even imagine yourself as a resident here, visit Bodie and you decide for yourself if it is a ghost town or not. Yes, nobody lives here now but something more is here, a presence , a history, an energy that has not died that continues. You decide!

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Want to Visit Bodie and need a place to stay give us a call at (818)883-2488 or

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