Luck of the Irish to you! How did that come about anyway? 
Did you wear Green? Good. Since the 18th century on March 17th it was started when the Irish would pick and wear a “clover” on clothing to show their faith in Christianity and with Due time turned into people wearing green clothing. The color green came from the known green pastures and the abundance of green land in Ireland. It’s said that St. Patrick would use the clover to symbolize and to share the faith of the trinity the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. St. Patrick wasn't even Irish he born in Britain in the 5th century and was kidnapped at the age of 16 by Irish traders and spent 6 years in captivity and converted to Christianity. He then became a Christian missionary, and had passed away in March 17th 461. Centuries later he became known as the saint St. Patrick’s.

The big parties and parades that take place actually originated in the United States when in 1840 the potato famine hit Ireland and sent hundreds of thousands of the Irish out and on their way to the eastern United States to settle, putting a lot of their heritage left in Boston, New York and cities throughout. The first recorded St. Patrick ’s Day parade that took place in the U.S was in 1762 New York, the same recorded street that this happened on thousands show up today to celebrate with their green on!

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