Haunted Rink Skate Party 
Halloween Fun!
Haunted Rink Skate Party
Date: 10/25/13
Time: 6 pm to 9 pm
Going to be in Mammoth the weekend before Halloween and looking for something fun to do? Then head over to the Mammoth Roller Rink for a Haunted Halloween party! That’s right! A haunted party on skates! This party will include a few carnival games such as hit the witch, evil clown throw, and the famous fairy and dragon realm. In addition to these awesome games there will be various cakewalks and food vendors paraded throughout the night so make sure you arrive in plenty of time to participate and enjoy some fantastic food!
The Zamboni shed may also contain some scary zombified hockey players so enter at your own risk…
Admission is $5 per person and this includes skate rentals while they last and this recreation has lots of fun prizes for everyone! So grab your kids and head to the rink!
For more information please call 760-934-8989.

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