Holy Hot Springs! 

It seems almost fictional to be amongst the deepest snow in the Continental U.S., and yet be pleasantly soaking in a natural pool at over a hundred degrees.

The hot springs in the Mammoth Lakes area sustain naturally, and are free of charge to visitors.

Make your way just south of Bridgeport to Travertine Hot Spring and slide into one hundred and three degree water. You will feel simply overwhelmed by the magnificent Sierra mountain range laid out before you.

Another location just 14 miles south of Mammoth Lakes is known as Crowley Hot Spring.

When you arrive at Crowley, you have your pick at a pool or smaller tub. The tub remains at about a hundred and five degrees, while the pool hovers at about ten degrees less.

Crowley is available for use year-round but snowfall in the winter may make the road impassable. What. A. View.

Our last recommendation is Buckeye Hot Spring. As if the other locations were not amazing enough, at Buckeye you have your choice between two soaking pools, right along side a mountain stream. The water here remains at a temperature of about a hundred degrees.


Cheers from the Mammoth RBO Team!

(Source: alltrips.com)

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