"Hotel Impossible" Mammoth Visit 

People from all over the globe got a look at Mammoth Lakes last night.

The Travel Channel’s “Hotel Impossible," a new series on improving interesting hotels, featured Mammoth Lakes’ Alpenhof Lodge last night. With a search for the right ski town in the West, the Hotel Impossible team found the Alpenhof Lodge intriguing. After a questionnaire and inspection of the lodge, Host Anthony Melchiorri showed up to begin the shoot.

Melchiorri comes from a background of twenty years in the hospitality business, working for hotspots like the Algonquin and the New York’s Plaza Hotel. His focus is to consult the management, and to address any major issues with the hotel.

Go to the Travel Channel’s website, to catch some brief footage from last night’s show.

Coming at you from the MRBO team!

(Source: Travel Channel, Sierra Wave)

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