Mammoth Arts 
Mammoth is not only known for skiing and fishing....OH NO! it also has a very large Arts & Culture Heritage! Throughout the year you will find many festivals that feature music, art and photography....just to name a few areas! During these delightful festivals bring your 'taste-buds'!!! The finest Restaurants in Mammoth share their culinary delights! Toast your guests with wine sampling....OH YES! Mammoth Lakes is known for California's most noted wineries! Have YOU started packing your bags to join us??? BOO! Did I scare you? With Halloween just around the corner you must visit 'The Bodie Ghost Town'. Bodie is known to being the largest unrestored ghost town in the West! Featuring a full museum and visitor center. And, if you are still in the SPIRIT spend an evening in November at the Classic Theatre's Murder Mystery Dinner! The Goblin's won't get you but your Passion for Mammoth Lakes will grow!

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