Townhouses & condos make great vacation rentals 
You have been coming to Mammoth for years and have always thought it would be a great to own here but somehow you never quite got up the nerve to really pursue the idea of owning a place in Mammoth.

Well now is the time to step up to the plate and look into purchasing your dream vacation home. Last year there were 375 condos that sold in Mammoth with an average sales price of $351,000 and a median sales price of $280,00 thats a 27% increase from 2009 sales.

Condos and townhouses make great vacation rentals. By putting your property on a vacation rental program such as MammothRentalByOwner it allows you to enjoy the comforts of home while making a profit on your investment. Enjoy your property in Mammoth and rent it out when you are not there. The best of both worlds. Not sure how this all works, give us a call at (818)883-2488 our friendly staff will explain the vacation rental program and help you find a property just right for you.

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